Samstag, 30. Juni 2012

Rum Santa Teresa 1796

Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012

DIPLOMATICO Reserva Exclusiva Venezuelan Rum

Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva is blended exclusively from potstill rums aged an average of twelve years and takes the brand's characteristic sweet, fruity flavours to an even higher level of concentration and flavour intensity.

Captain Morgan Spiced and Cola

Samstag, 23. Juni 2012

PUSSERS 15 Year Old Navy Rum

The superb rum in this bottle has not only been aged in wood for 15 years, but has also been distilled in wood. It is the world's only rum, or for that matter the world's only spirit, that is still distilled in wood using the old, inefiicient, handcrafted way in opposition to the modern method that employs semi-automatic metal column distillation. For 330 years from about 1640 until July 31st, 1970, Great Britain's Royal Navy issued a daily rum ration to the sailors on board its ships. The daily ration was known as a tot, and its issue and the ritual that went with it was one of the longest and unbroken traditions in the history of the sea. The rum used was a special rum called Navy or Admiralty Rum, or Pussers. Pussers being a corruption of the word pirser, after the officer in charge of the ship's supplies. Pussers Navy Rum today is the identical rum that was issued in the Royal Navy right up until the time of the custom's termination on July 31st, 1970. Pussers is known for both its colourful history and its rich flavour. It was never sold or available to the public until 1979. If a connoiseur obtained a tot or two, he valued it for a very special occasion because there was nothing else like it. The Pussers 15 year old is exceptional and equivalent to the finest cognac or brandy in every way. Interestingly, at the end of 15 years of aging in wood, only about 7% of the original rum remains in the barrel. the balance will have evaporated into the air. Thus it toof the equivalent of about 16 bottles of rum to produce this single bottle of 15 year old Pussers! This rum is truly for sipping, as you would a fine cognac.

How to make a Malibu Bay Breeze

Freitag, 22. Juni 2012

How to make a Blue Hawaiian Cocktail

EL DORADO Finest Demerara 15 Year Old Guyanese Rum

This premium product of great distinction is a blend of specially selected aged rums, some as old as 25 years old, blended to perfection by the company's master blenders and aged in oak casks. To complement this fine product, the rum is packaged in a gold embossed presentation box illustrated with a maritime design, underlying Demerara Distillers' association with ancient maritime traditions. The bottle, a unique custom-designed bottle, was inspired by the shape of the old hand-blown flasks used on the banks of the Demerara river, centuries ago, by the sugar planters. Such pride and care was rewarded in 1998, when the International Wine and Spirit Competition of London voted the El Dorado 15 years old Special Reserve rum, the Best Rum Worldwide, and gave the company, the coveted Wray and Nephew Trophy. Then in 1999, 2000 and 2001, the 15 years old Special Reserve rum was judged Best Rum in the World, won the Wray and Nephew Trophy and is today known as the world's only rum to achieve such a feat. Long acknowledged as the Caribbean's premier rum, continuously winning medals over the past decade at the Caribbean Rum Taste Test held annually in Barbados, the El Dorado 15 years old Special Reserve Rum won in 2001, the Platinum Award and was voted the Connoisseurs' Choice at the Chicago Beverage Tasting Institute.

Dienstag, 19. Juni 2012

EL DORADO Finest Demerara 12 Year Old Guyanese Rum

The Demerara twelve years old is one of the premium rums with a superb colour, smooth taste and full fragrant aroma. The twelve years old rum has been judged the number 1 rum in the premium category from a list of 40 rums from the Caribbean, Central and South America in the annual rum tasting competition organized by the Caribbean Week Newspaper. This is the third time that this product has topped this category within the six years that this competition has been held.

Ron Pampero

Montag, 18. Juni 2012

Santa Teresa Bicentenario A.J. Vollmer

Launched in 1996 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Santa Teresa and named in honour of the brand's founder, Alberto J. Vollmer. The oldest rum in the Santa Teresa catalogue is made with very old Venezuelan rums. Very smooth and creamy mouth-feel and lighter in body than expected, nice oak notes with a fruity blueberry flavour in there too. This solera aged rum has a proportion of 80 year old reserves in it.

Spot Cacique Mojito Moreno "Tormenta"

Sonntag, 3. Juni 2012

Carl Mertens Barkoffer 14-teilig

Mit diesem Barkoffer sind Sie perfekt ausgestattet, um Cocktails und Longdrinks aller Art zuzubereiten! Der Koffer beinhaltet: je 1 x Cocktail Shaker 530 ml, Boston-Shaker, Rührglas, Barsieb, Stößel, Barlöffel, Kapselheber, Eisnehmer, Sektflaschenverschluss, Barmesser, Doppelmessbecher 2/3 cl, Kellnermesser, Schneidbrett und 2 US-Profi-Ausgießer. Der Koffer ist mit einem Zahlenschloss versehen. Dieser edle Barkoffer ist der Traum eines jeden Hobby- und Profi-Barmanns. Die Carl Mertens Besteckfabrik GmbH ist die Solinger Nr. 1 für Design-Bestecke und Premium-Wohnaccessoires aus Edelstahl. 1919 als Lohnschleiferei für Taschenmesserklingen gegründet, stellt das Unternehmen heute Produkte für die zeitgemäße Tisch- und Wohnkultur her. Traditionelles Handwerk und ein kompromissloser Qualitätsanspruch verbunden mit innovativem Design zeichnen die Kollektion von Carl Mertens aus. Die von namhaften Gestaltern entwickelten Produkte wurden mit wichtigen Designpreisen ausgezeichnet und sind international in führenden Designsammlungen vertreten. Im Jahr 2009 feierte das Unternehmen neunzigjähriges Bestehen. Am Firmensitz in Solingen sind 40 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt. Seit 1978 wird das Familienunternehmen in dritter Generation von Curt Mertens geführt.