Samstag, 23. Juni 2012

PUSSERS 15 Year Old Navy Rum

The superb rum in this bottle has not only been aged in wood for 15 years, but has also been distilled in wood. It is the world's only rum, or for that matter the world's only spirit, that is still distilled in wood using the old, inefiicient, handcrafted way in opposition to the modern method that employs semi-automatic metal column distillation. For 330 years from about 1640 until July 31st, 1970, Great Britain's Royal Navy issued a daily rum ration to the sailors on board its ships. The daily ration was known as a tot, and its issue and the ritual that went with it was one of the longest and unbroken traditions in the history of the sea. The rum used was a special rum called Navy or Admiralty Rum, or Pussers. Pussers being a corruption of the word pirser, after the officer in charge of the ship's supplies. Pussers Navy Rum today is the identical rum that was issued in the Royal Navy right up until the time of the custom's termination on July 31st, 1970. Pussers is known for both its colourful history and its rich flavour. It was never sold or available to the public until 1979. If a connoiseur obtained a tot or two, he valued it for a very special occasion because there was nothing else like it. The Pussers 15 year old is exceptional and equivalent to the finest cognac or brandy in every way. Interestingly, at the end of 15 years of aging in wood, only about 7% of the original rum remains in the barrel. the balance will have evaporated into the air. Thus it toof the equivalent of about 16 bottles of rum to produce this single bottle of 15 year old Pussers! This rum is truly for sipping, as you would a fine cognac.

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